How can you tell if you've been reading comic books far too long?
If you can remember when SOMETHING LIKE THIS didn't look the least bit strange!
The STORY TITLE, that is, not the weird alien children!
And, bonus points if, when reading a title like this, it REALLY DID sound like a far off journey through time!
It certainly must have sounded like a distant future when this story was originally published in 1959, because it STILL WAS when I read it as a reprint in SUPERMAN FAMILY # 179 (DC Comics, Cover Date: October, 1976)!
Back then of course, the 24 years it would take to get from 1976 to the year 2000 (much less BEYOND that year) seemed like A LOT MORE TIME than it does now!
Let alone the 41 years it would have taken originally, for Supergirl to travel from 1959!
"A hundred years ahead, into the 21st Century", eh?
That would mean her destination was 2059, in the original...
...And, um, er... 2076 in the reprint?
Say, now that I think about it, 2076 is STILL really far off! I know *I* won't live to see it, unless normal lifespans have exceeded 120 by then!
OKAY, THEN... At least SOMETHING GOOD has come from all this...
...Even if it's just the relief that comes with realizing that I *HAVE NOT* been reading comic books too long!
...In fact, I think I'll go read some more of them right now!
And, readers of the REPRINT in SUPERMAN FAMILY # 179...
...Will probably be wondering until 2076 (should they live so long) why Supergirl left 1976 for a hundred-year time-trek, AND IS RETURNING TO 1959!
I mean sure... she'll miss Disco, Watergate, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, an' all-kinds-o'-stuff-like-that-there...
...But she'll also miss the opening of Warner Bros. Jungle Habitat!
I wonder if COOL CAT was there?
Eeeh... COULD BE!
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