Verse Challenge: Could The Powerpuff Girls stop T.K.O.?

The Powerpuff Girls, Cartoon Network’s first, and to this day one of their most powerful, superheroes. T.K.O. The Final Villain of Cartoon Network's Newest Superhero series to end. If the Classic CN’s Bubbly Trio of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup were faced head to head with Modern CN’s Edgy T.K.O. Threat, who would win?
The Powerpuff Girls are known for being extremely physically Strong and Durable, the toughest among them being Buttercup but really even Bubbles would be on relative par with her sisters here. The Powerpuff Girls were strong enough to defeat enormous Kaiju monsters mere moments after being born and tank gunfire like nothing. 
The Powerpuff Girls have regularly tossed monsters and villains across the entire solar system and beyond, could physically stop a solar flare, and single members can shatter planet destroying meteors with total ease.
The Powerpuff Girls regularly battle HIM, in fact later in the series HIM is so casual a threat that even single Powerpuff Girls can defeat him without much effort,
HIM is not only powerful enough to Telekinetically stop the Earth while it was moving at Relativistic Speeds and make it go the same speed in the opposite direction casually, but also create an entire dimension containing a star.
Durability wise, the Girls generally seem significantly more durable than even their immense strength lets on. The Girls have been able to tank attacks from HIM and 3 other comparable villains at once, attacks from each other when they were actually trying to kill one another, hits from the Rowdyruff Boys when they grew significantly more powerful than the girls, and even blasts from a guy who absorbed the combined power of all 3 girls, all their villains, and every other metahuman in the entire series.
T.K.O. Is the single most powerful character on Earth in the Ok KO series, in his first appearance in the series, when he was little more than an early concept in K.O.’s head, was still powerful enough to One Shot a manifestation of the Level 8 Hero Laserblast.
This Power has remained VERY Consistent throughout the series, as in T.K.O. First actual appearance he was able to casually knock Rad into orbit and easily defeat the likes of Enid, Carol and Mr. Gar at the same time. He was able to defeat the final villain of Season 1, Boxman Jr in a head to head fight and that baby could beat Mr. Gar, Enid, Carol and Rad at once. And In the final arc of the series he was able to power through the Pow Card tournament and defeat every single one of the fighters in Lakewood Plaza in back to back matches, Literally without breaking a sweat. All of these feats included beating characters which are level 5 or far above.
This means they scale to Enid’s feats of pulling a Moon at Relativistic Speeds and enduring the force of a black hole both of which would be easily large planet level.
T.K.O. is far above even this though as in his final battle with the Boxmore Bots, he was able to punch all the Boxmore goons to pieces and cause them to fly into space directly into the Sun and hit it with so much force it Violently broke in half.
Durability wise Even Base K.O. was able to tank being pulled into a room sized Black Hole which would be concentrating the gravitational force of at least a planet the size of Saturn directly on him. As Turbo.K.O. He is significantly above this.
So much so that at the end of the tournament Enid and Rad temporality achieved their own Turbo forms thanks to Fink, multiplying their power 100 fold and double teamed him, 
yet he was still able to tank their team attacks and overpower them both at the same time.

In a Direct Strength Comparison, T.K.O would be a Large Star Level or Solar System Level character relative to cartoon network characters like Monkey. The Powerpuff Girls on the other hand would each be at least Star Level, with significantly greater durability. In a direct fight T.K.O. would have a strength advantage over the girls similar to The Rowdyruff Boys after their resurrection. He could physically overpower even Buttercup but any of the girls could endure his strikes with their durability and if they are working together against him could very well overpower him.
The Powerpuff Girls are incredibly speedy superheroes as well, Bubbles being the fastest but they are all comparable able to race and play tag. The Powerpuff Girls were fast enough to fly from the Moon to the Earth in mere seconds, just days after being born by the way. 
In just the first pilot short, the Girls were able to fly to the sun in only 10 seconds which would be over 50 times the speed of light. Later in the series they have significantly better speed feats such as keeping up with an Alien spaceship that traverses the universe, and fought off a microscopic alien invasion covering an entire city with trillions and trillions of nanobots, each of which multiply 1,000 fold per second, a Feat calced in the hundreds of Trillions of times the Speed of Light.
As I have said Earlier, T.K.O. is effortlessly above characters like Enid and Cosma who were able to travel from Earth to a different Nebula in an instant which is nearly 3 Billion times the speed of light.
Moreover T.K.O. was able to fight both Turbo Enid and Rad at once, and that should be 100 times faster than this, making T.K.O. over 3 Trillion times the speed of light.

In Terms of Speed, T.K.O. has his hands full, while he would be more than able to react to the 3 girls, the fact is they would each be over 60 times faster than him, they would be able to dodge a large amount of his attacks and hit him significantly more. To compare to the cartoon T.K.O. would be about as fast as Fuzzy Lumpkins relative to the girls.
All 3 Girls have an immense array of powers similar to goofier silver age comic book heroes. Each of the Powerpuff Girls has the ability to fly through any environment, breath in space, and has super senses impressive enough to hear and see things even from other planets and stars, Blossom in particular has a 6th Sense called her Danger sense that specifically alerts her to attacks on them and situations happening across the world and has allowed her to predict her opponents moves. Also the girls have Night, X-Ray and Microscopic vision like superman.
All the girls have the ability to shoot powerful Laser beams from their eyes that can melt, burn and blow up pretty much anything, and even change direction on the fly, they can even be focused through someone's pupils to correct problems or like lobotomize someone. 
The Girls have energy and Electromagnetic manipulation, Can Travel through the Timestream via sheer speed, and have the ability to restore someone's essence and energy via adorably singing a song together. The Powerpuff Girls can turn invisible, breathe Fire, create tornados, transform into shadows or water to avoid hits, and manipulate their size.
Getting into some of their lesser known but honestly best abilities, the PPG each have the ability to multiply themselves into a small squad of fighters to completely overwhelm their foe with the ability Copycat, create weapons or beings on the Mental plane using their imagination to attack foes with, or use an incredibly powerful Bomb contained in Blossom’s bow to one shot anything.
Getting into unique powers, Bubbles of the three is known for having powerful Sonic Attacks that can affect machinery, destroy powerful foes and deafen people temporarily, and also allows her to talk to animals and stuff apparently. Blossom has the Really overpowered ability called Freeze Breath, where she instantly freezes anything just by breathing on it, not only was this attack strong enough to instantly ice a planet sized meteor, but it shattered Princess Morbucks power suit, which was so durable and powerful it allowed her to just Curbstomp Buttercup and Bubbles immediately before this. But then theirs Buttercup, who can roll her tongue….my god.
The girls can shrug off transmutation, and can have their powers stolen or nullified only to just regenerate them back over a short time. The Girls are incredibly Skilled Fighters with a lot of experience against a wide variety of foes, Buttercup in particular is a master martial artist trained under the same teacher that taught Mojo all of his insane level of fighting skill, and all the girls have developed great teamwork over the years. Blossom is an actual genius level character who knows tons of science and math way above the level someone her age should and is a very skilled strategist in combat. Along with their powers their stamina, range and stealth can all me pretty solid if they choose to capitalize on them.
T.K.O. is the dark powerful and serious side of K.O. while K.O. has a lotta goofier cartoony powers, T.K.O.’s are more standard and potent powers commonly seen in comic book heroes and villains. T.K.O. is able to fly through any environment , and fire powerful energy blasts from his hands called Power Fists. T.K.O’s energy manipulation also allows him to surround his body in a damaging energy aura that he can shape into various energy constructs and mid to long range attacks. He can manipulate lightning and electricity and use it to summon forth storms and electrical fields. T.K.O can also teleport around to control the battlefield and get a drop on his opponents and reflect attacks but this doesn’t just include projectiles and lasers, but also things like Rad’s telekinesis and Enid’s shadows.
Probably T.K.O.’s most dangerous attack is his energy Draining Field, where T.K.O. can slam down his fists and make an ever increasing purple aura that drains the energy of anything inside and gives it to him. T.K.O. can also fire energy draining Beams from his hands that drain a target's energy on contact. T.K.O.’s energy draining was powerful enough to expand and cover the entire planet and drain every sentient creature on it so thoroughly, the only thing left of them was dust in the wind.
T.K.O. is very resilient and refuses to be beaten and go down, as a Level -100 Villain he is immune to Time Paradoxes so one cannot go back in time and mess with him there, and has even been able to shrug off Mental and Astral Attacks like nothing.
T.K.O. is a very mighty physical powerhouse who has very impressive Stamina and Range with his attacks, he’s been shown to have enough Combat Skill to defeat a killer robot like Boxman Jr who was his equal physically and manage to score a hit on main villain Shadowy Figure despite being more powerful than him at the time.
The Powerpuff Girls are still each only 6 years old and while they are really intelligent for this they are still naive and have gotten themselves into messes as a result. Buttercup is overly brash and doesn’t think things through, Bubbles is timid and innocent making her easy to manipulate, and Blossom is neurotic and refuses to play unfair to the point she won’t even tell a lie to a supervillain.
T.K.O. on the other hand is a vicious, cruel and rebellious rage machine who is also rather easy to manipulate and confuse, Especially to those who can bring up his inner memories to bring out the True K.O. and put him back into control, which is how he actually gets stopped in every instance he is let out. T.K.O. is also Arrogant and likes to play with his victims, despite it being his most broken power, he generally reserves the Energy Draining powers for emergencies or as a finishing move, just to extend his fights and flex on his foes.

So T.K.O. has taken Control over K.O. again and goes on a Rampage, The Powerpuff Girls show up to stop him.
What Happens?
Well, Even though the PPG have a Much Longer List of powers, T.K.O’s are still really varied and potent enough to give them a real challenge. Both can fly and blast energy attacks, the second T.K.O. sees these new challengers he would charge them and It would quickly turn into what looks like a DBZ fight over the city. T.K.O. is stronger than the girls and would be able to hit harder and endure a Lot of their attacks. That being said the Girls are notably faster than him and have durability on his level so would more than be able to to avoid many attacks and endue the ones he does land.
Buttercup has the best odds against T.K.O. 1v1 due to being able to match his veracity from the get go and having a much higher degree of martial arts training than he does. Coupled with her speed she would be able to keep his attention long enough for Blossom to think of a plan of attack.
Due to T.K.O. paradox resistance they have to beat him here and now, and cannot simply go back in time and stop K.O. from losing control. But stopping him in the present would be really rather hard on top of that. With his energy manipulation, T.K.O. can grab Logia beings so they cannot use that as a defence, and more over his Attack Reflection is a REALLY potent ability for this fight with the Girls relying on so many projectile attacks. With that their Eye Lasers, energy projection, fire breath, tornados, and Bubbles’ screams would just be launched back to sender.
This would largely force them into close range which is not a position you want to be in with someone that has energy draining abilities.
Even if they don’t play that route, T.K.O. has teleportation which is a pretty broken ability in the PPG Series that is only possessed by top tier characters like HIM. With this power T.K.O. could potentially escape the Girls to start using his energy draining, or even just teleport right next to them and attack before they realize to clear the speed disparity. 
That said The Girls Super Senses, particularly Blossom’s danger sense, should more than let them keep track of T.K.O. to get around its advantages. And that leads to an advantage the girls have over him, T.K.O. himself doesn't have any kind of super senses, which means the Girls could potentially start blitzing him even harder and avoiding his attacks even better using their own Invisibility. That does however lead me to a strange comparison, the Girls can turn invisible cause they vibrate their bodies so fast light passes through them, which isn’t a thing in OK KO, but if they girls were in OK KO could T.K.O. do this too?
Anyway the girls should probably be able to shrug off his Lightning attacks due to their own manipulation of electricity, and can further capitalize on his lacking super senses by using mental constructs to attack T.K.O., which is ironic as Base Form K.O. would be better equipped to handle something like that with his more toonforce abilities and mental resistances. Also The Girls Copycat Power to make duplicates of themselves to swarm T.K.O. would Really wear him down fast with the hits just piling up on him.
One other aspect of this fight I can see is how Pure Hearted Bubbles could really get to him by trying to be understanding and asking why he's so angry, like K.O. does but she's even better at it, which potentially could let K.O. take control back.
The Optimal Strategy I would see the PPG using to Fight this guy would be for Buttercup to take him head on, distracting him, while Bubbles tries to talk him down, and Blossom uses her big brain to think of countermeasures and strategies.
But then there's the big problem, The Energy Draining Field. This power is pretty broken and similar attacks have worked on the girls before. The Fact they have to attack him almost entirely in close range leaves this a scary concept as the strategy I described is just as likely to Piss T.K.O. way off and cause him to whip this out, and their speed and duplication will not protect from it.
That being said, the Girls do have answers to this, three that I could think of.
First and foremost there is Bubbles’ Song, this Song was able to stop Mr. Mimes Essence Draining Aura that took away the entire City's color and energy (As seen by how all motion stopped including Gravity), as well as cure the entire city of it. As this is very similar to what T.K.O. is doing I could very well see this being a direct counter. That said it is not exactly the same, and this was on a much wider scale than Mr. Mime.
The Second option was abusing T.K.O. inability to breath in space, Buttercup breaks away the ground T.K.O. is standing on and flies him into space causing him to pass out and the energy draining to stop. Since the Girls can regenerate their lost powers and energy overtime, so long as she isn’t exposed too heavily she will be fine. That said T.K.O. is stronger and can also fly, he may cease the energy draining to prioritize getting back.
But lastly there is a Foolproof method, that being Blossom’s Ice Breath. Blossom’s Freeze Breath has a really far range and unlike every other projectile attack the Girls have, it is not some variation of energy, but rather a lack of energy that takes energy away from what it hits. This would allow it to pass through T.K.O.s field AND attack Reflection just like Enid’s own was able to do in their fight. But unlike Enid’s which he could just shrug off, Blossom’s is more than potent enough to completely put him on ice and defeat him just like she did Princess.
So with all that said, when facing the first CN Superhero cartoon that had its heroes reach the same tier as the PPG, I have to say The PPG would still be able to defeat the Main Villain. So Once Again the DAY is SAVED Thanks to The Powerpuff Girls!

Tl;Dr: Buttercup can Curl her Tongue, fight was over before it began.
